Water is essential for any civilization to survive and thrive. It is the driving force behind nature. But, it’s disappearing fast. This World Water Day 2019, we must try to explore ways and means to manage the precious resource. The world will be in grave trouble if human beings ran out of water. It is sad to know that even in this day and age there are people and civilizations across the world, who don’t have access to safe water at home. March 22 is the World Water Day 2019.
This Day has been designated to confront the situation and tackle the global water crisis in schools, households, workplaces, as well as farms. Safe water is one which is free of any kind of contamination and can be accessed when it is needed. We can’t grow if people don’t have access to safe water. Unsafe and contaminated water can cause deadly diseases. Let us look at some of the alarming trends and situations:
• More than 2.1 billion people continue to live without the basic amenity of safe water in their homes.
• Over 700 children under the age of 5 years pass away every day due to the incidence of diarrhea. The disease is closely connected with the consumption of unsafe water as well as poor sanitation.
• Globally, 80 per cent of people who are forced to consume as well as use unsafe and undrinkable water reside in the rural areas.
• As many as 4 billion people across the world are subjected to severe water crisis during at least 1 month of the year. This is about two thirds of the entire world’s population.
• Not less than 700 million people across the world may be displaced due to the intensity of water scarcity by the year 2030.
• As many as 68.5 million people have already been forced to leave their homes and livelihoods due to lack of access of safe water. This is quite problematic.
Lets pledge this World Water Day 2019 to secure the water future of our children.