by Muqbil Ahmar | May 31, 2021 | Eco Fashion, Ecofriendly products, News, Parenting
Pollution is a big threat to mankind. According to estimates by 2030, the oceans would have more plastic debris than the fish in it; such is the scale of its pervasion. Moreover, they are toxic substances that stay in the ecosystem and do not degrade. They choke...
by Muqbil Ahmar | May 26, 2021 | Ecofriendly products, Home, News, Travel
There is an interesting trend catching up among tourists worldwide and it is called community-based tourism. This is actually a kind of sustainable tourism or ecotourism, through which local residents invite travellers to visit or rather to stay in their own...
by Muqbil Ahmar | May 22, 2021 | Home, News, Parenting
Environmental activist Sundarlal Bahuguna, a pioneer of the Chipko Movement against deforestation in the 1970s, died in Uttarakhand this afternoon. He was 94 years old. The noted activist died in his native state of Uttarakhand due to Covid-19 related health...
by Saima Rabbani | May 15, 2021 | Eco Fashion, Ecofriendly products, News
Who wouldn’t want to get rid of plastics. It is an integral part of human lives and clogs drains and causes pollution as it is nonbiodegradable, with enormous implications for the environment. A Kolkata-based startup converts waste plastic into fuel oil! Whereas the...
by Ushi Fatma | May 5, 2021 | Ecofriendly products, Home
Women empowerment is critical to a sustainable and just world. Ushi Fatma, Associate Editor, caught up with Ajat Shatru, who has founded two women-oriented business ventures that have been having a deep impact on the society, especially the women in...