Flirt with your Food! The Body will take the Cue!

Cooking is Therapeutic! I love to pick my food ingredients and cook my own food. I need to see the ingredients that go into my cooking and my system! There is a spiritual energy around beautifully displayed fresh healthy vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, etc., which can really uplift your mood in every way and also activate your
mind to think and want healthy. You should make it into a family outing, makes sense to get your children and partner involved, on the same page in terms of Health & Nutrition for the family.

It is a lifestyle, remember! Choose your ingredients yourself, be conscious of your fitness regime as well as your calorie intake. Banish all items that come in tetra packs, tins, cans, frozen, etc., rather go natural. Without proper nutrition, the body systems may not have the energy and vitality needed for a healthy living.

My Basic Principle is I Only Enjoy Food Which Is Fresh, Natural, And Living

Yes, I hear a lot of folks crackin’ up at the word “living”! Here is the thing: you need to attempt to have
fresh nutritious food. Vegetables and Fruits are “live” foods. If you are a meat eater try to eat mostly white meats, if possible the fresh catch fish or chicken. On all accounts, avoid frozen foods! Red Meat is a different
discussion for another day and honestly I do not remember the last time I had Red Meat.

Enjoy this beautiful process from the shopping to the cooking and present it beautifully with love. Nutrition is the first step towards a healthy mind and body. I assure you that once your mind kick starts your healthy journey, your body will follow! Happy shopping and cooking!

Stay Fit, Stay Centred!